Sunday by the Malecon

Filed in Cuba, Travel by on May 5, 2012 0 Comments

Where most of us will spend our weekend days and nights in pursuit of adventure or even a big night out with friends marked by excess, the Cuban way of life is much simpler.

It’s possible this is partly due to the way of life they have grown accustomed to but undoubtedly the low wages set by the Socialist Government have a large hand in this.

And so it was that when I found myself walking along the shore of Havana one sunny Sunday, known locally as the Malecon, what I saw was Cubans young and old gathered along the walls, catching up with friends, family and strangers all dressed to the nines.

Teenagers dared each other to jump off the wall into the rocky waters, families enjoyed the sunset together and old American convertible ‘Yank Tanks’ rolled by with newlywed couples.

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I take GSXRs to inappropriate places