Reprieve from the ‘Rat Race’…

Filed in Brasil, Travel by on February 14, 2012 0 Comments

After setting up this blog in quite a rush in order to get my past content on here, it looks like it simply has not happened. So I’ll have to update the world on the past later and for the time being focus on whats coming up in the next 3 months !

The last couple of weeks were meant to be time to research and figure out what to do and where to do it, however, with a busy work schedule and other commitments, it once again came down to a sleepless night spent packing before a flight.

Now as I sit at Sydneys Kingsford Smith International airport waiting for my first flight to Buenos Aires en route to Salvador Brazil, I wonder…why the hell is my travelling partner still on the Harbour Bridge in traffic with a little over an hour till the flight departs !!

So, with 4 tshirts, 2 pairs of shorts, 1 pair of pants (zip-offs, because I’m versatile like that), 7 pairs of underwear and 4 pairs of socks, I finally feel relaxed after days of stressing as now theres nothing further to do but to go with the flow and enjoy this brief escape from the rat race.

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I take GSXRs to inappropriate places